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Player | # | Card Set | Run |
Alexander Canario | 38 | Base SuperFractor | 1 |
Alexander Canario | II-20 | International Impact SuperFractor | 1 |
Alexander Canario | 38 | Base Red Refractor | 5 |
Alexander Canario | 38 | Base Orange Refractor | 25 |
Alexander Canario | II-20 | International Impact Orange Refractor | 25 |
Alexander Canario | 38 | Base Gold Refractor | 50 |
Alexander Canario | 38 | Base Yellow Refractor | 75 |
Alexander Canario | 38 | Base Green Refractor | 99 |
Alexander Canario | 38 | Base Wave Refractor | 100 |
Alexander Canario | 38 | Base Blue Refractor | 150 |
Alexander Canario | 38 | Base Aqau RayWave | 199 |
Alexander Canario | 38 | Base | |
Alexander Canario | 38 | Base Refractor | |
Alexander Canario | 38 | Base Fuchsia Refractor | |
Alexander Canario | 38 | Base Pearl Refractor | |
Alexander Canario | II-20 | International Impact | |
Alexander Canario | II-20 | International Impact Mini Diamond | |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects SuperFractor | 1 |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs SuperFractor | 1 |
Fernando Cruz | GOTD-17 | Gladiators of the Diamond SuperFractor | 1 |
Fernando Cruz | GDA-FC | Gladiators of the Diamond Autographs SuperFractor | 1 |
Fernando Cruz | II-20 | International Impact SuperFractor | 1 |
Fernando Cruz | PCS-FCR | Prime Chrome Signatures SuperFractor | 1 |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Red Shimmer | 3 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Reptilian Red Refractor | 5 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Red Refractor | 5 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Red Shimmer | 5 |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Reptilian Red Refractor | 5 |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Red Refractor | 5 |
Fernando Cruz | GOTD-17 | Gladiators of the Diamond Red Refractor | 5 |
Fernando Cruz | GDA-FC | Gladiators of the Diamond Autographs Red Refractor | 5 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Reptilian Black Refractor | 10 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Black Refractor | 10 |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Black Refractor | 10 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Reptilian Orange Refractor | 25 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Orange Refractor | 25 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Orange Shimmer | 25 |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Orange Refractor | 25 |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Orange Shimmer | 25 |
Fernando Cruz | GOTD-17 | Gladiators of the Diamond Orange Refractor | 25 |
Fernando Cruz | GDA-FC | Gladiators of the Diamond Autographs Orange Refractor | 25 |
Fernando Cruz | II-20 | International Impact Orange Refractor | 25 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Pearl Refractor | 35 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Reptilian Gold Refractor | 50 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Gold Refractor | 50 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Gold Shimmer | 50 |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Gold Mini Diamond | 50 |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Gold Refractor | 50 |
Fernando Cruz | GOTD-17 | Gladiators of the Diamond Gold Refractor | 50 |
Fernando Cruz | GDA-FC | Gladiators of the Diamond Autographs Gold Mini Diamond | 50 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Yellow Refractor | 75 |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Yellow Refractor | 75 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Reptilian Green Refractor | 99 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Green Refractor | 99 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Green Shimmer | 99 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Aqua Refractor | 125 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Reptilian Blue Refractor | 150 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Blue Refractor | 150 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Fuchsia Shimmer | 199 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Purple Refractor | 250 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Purple Shimmer | 250 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Speckle Refractor | 299 |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects | |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Shimmer | |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Chrome Prospects Refractor | |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs | |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Refractor | |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Speckle | |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Purple Refractor | |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Reptilian Blue Refractor | |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Blue Refractor | |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Reptilian Green Refractor | |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Mini Diamond | |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Green Refractor | |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Blue RayWave | |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs HTA Choice | |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Green Lava | |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Gold Shimmer | |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Orange Lava | |
Fernando Cruz | CPA-FC | Chrome Prospect Autographs Red Wave | |
Fernando Cruz | BCP-197 | Etched in Glass Variations | |
Fernando Cruz | GOTD-17 | Gladiators of the Diamond | |
Fernando Cruz | GOTD-17 | Gladiators of the Diamond Mini Diamond | |
Fernando Cruz | GDA-FC | Gladiators of the Diamond Autographs | |
Fernando Cruz | II-20 | International Impact | |
Fernando Cruz | II-20 | International Impact Mini Diamond | |
Fernando Cruz | PCS-FCR | Prime Chrome Signatures | |
Fernando Cruz | PCS-FCR | Prime Chrome Signatures Orange Refractor | |
James Triantos | AFLS-12 | 2023 AFL Fall Stars SuperFractor | 1 |
James Triantos | AFL-JT | 2023 AFL Fall Stars Autographs SuperFractor | 1 |
James Triantos | AFLS-12 | 2023 AFL Fall Stars Orange Refractor | 25 |
James Triantos | AFLS-12 | 2023 AFL Fall Stars | |
James Triantos | AFLS-12 | 2023 AFL Fall Stars Mini Diamond | |
James Triantos | AFL-JT | 2023 AFL Fall Stars Autographs | |
Jordan Wicks | 10 | Base SuperFractor | 1 |
Jordan Wicks | CRA-JWI | Chrome Rookie Autographs SuperFractor | 1 |
Jordan Wicks | 10 | Base Red Refractor | 5 |
Jordan Wicks | CRA-JWI | Chrome Rookie Autographs Red Refractor | 5 |
Jordan Wicks | 10 | Base Orange Refractor | 25 |
Jordan Wicks | CRA-JWI | Chrome Rookie Autographs Orange Refractor | 25 |
Jordan Wicks | 10 | Base Gold Refractor | 50 |
Jordan Wicks | CRA-JWI | Chrome Rookie Autographs Gold Refractor | 50 |
Jordan Wicks | 10 | Base Yellow Refractor | 75 |
Jordan Wicks | 10 | Base Green Refractor | 99 |
Jordan Wicks | 10 | Base Wave Refractor | 100 |
Jordan Wicks | 10 | Base Blue Refractor | 150 |
Jordan Wicks | 10 | Base Aqau RayWave | 199 |
Jordan Wicks | 10 | Base | |
Jordan Wicks | 10 | Base Refractor | |
Jordan Wicks | 10 | Base Fuchsia Refractor | |
Jordan Wicks | 10 | Base Pearl Refractor | |
Jordan Wicks | CRA-JWI | Chrome Rookie Autographs | |
Jordan Wicks | CRA-JWI | Chrome Rookie Autographs Refractor | |
Jordan Wicks | CRA-JWI | Chrome Rookie Autographs Blue Refractor | |
Jordan Wicks | CRA-JWI | Chrome Rookie Autographs Green Refractor | |
Kevin Alcantara | AFLS-6 | 2023 AFL Fall Stars SuperFractor | 1 |
Kevin Alcantara | AFL-KA | 2023 AFL Fall Stars Autographs SuperFractor | 1 |
Kevin Alcantara | M1B-16 | My 1st Bowman SuperFractor | 1 |
Kevin Alcantara | M1B-16 | My 1st Bowman Red Refractor | 5 |
Kevin Alcantara | AFLS-6 | 2023 AFL Fall Stars Orange Refractor | 25 |
Kevin Alcantara | M1B-16 | My 1st Bowman Orange Refractor | 25 |
Kevin Alcantara | M1B-16 | My 1st Bowman Gold Refractor | 50 |
Kevin Alcantara | AFLS-6 | 2023 AFL Fall Stars | |
Kevin Alcantara | AFLS-6 | 2023 AFL Fall Stars Mini Diamond | |
Kevin Alcantara | AFL-KA | 2023 AFL Fall Stars Autographs | |
Kevin Alcantara | M1B-16 | My 1st Bowman | |
Kevin Alcantara | M1B-16 | My 1st Bowman Mini Diamond | |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs SuperFractor | 1 |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Red Shimmer | 3 |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Reptilian Red Refractor | 5 |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Red Refractor | 5 |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Black Refractor | 10 |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Orange Refractor | 25 |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Orange Shimmer | 25 |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Gold Mini Diamond | 50 |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Gold Refractor | 50 |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Yellow Refractor | 75 |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs | |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Refractor | |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Speckle | |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Purple Refractor | |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Reptilian Blue Refractor | |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Blue Refractor | |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Reptilian Green Refractor | |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Mini Diamond | |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Green Refractor | |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Blue RayWave | |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs HTA Choice | |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Green Lava | |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Gold Shimmer | |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Orange Lava | |
Mason McGwire | CPA-MM | Chrome Prospect Autographs Red Wave | |
Matt Shaw | GOTD-14 | Gladiators of the Diamond SuperFractor | 1 |
Matt Shaw | GDA-MS | Gladiators of the Diamond Autographs SuperFractor | 1 |
Matt Shaw | GOTD-14 | Gladiators of the Diamond Red Refractor | 5 |
Matt Shaw | GDA-MS | Gladiators of the Diamond Autographs Red Refractor | 5 |
Matt Shaw | GOTD-14 | Gladiators of the Diamond Orange Refractor | 25 |
Matt Shaw | GDA-MS | Gladiators of the Diamond Autographs Orange Refractor | 25 |
Matt Shaw | GOTD-14 | Gladiators of the Diamond Gold Refractor | 50 |
Matt Shaw | GDA-MS | Gladiators of the Diamond Autographs Gold Mini Diamond | 50 |
Matt Shaw | GOTD-14 | Gladiators of the Diamond | |
Matt Shaw | GOTD-14 | Gladiators of the Diamond Mini Diamond | |
Matt Shaw | GDA-MS | Gladiators of the Diamond Autographs | |
Owen Caissie | II-25 | International Impact SuperFractor | 1 |
Owen Caissie | II-25 | International Impact Orange Refractor | 25 |
Owen Caissie | II-25 | International Impact | |
Owen Caissie | II-25 | International Impact Mini Diamond | |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 45 | Base SuperFractor | 1 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | BA-20 | Bowman Ascensions SuperFractor | 1 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | M1B-14 | My 1st Bowman SuperFractor | 1 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 1BA-PC | My 1st Bowman Autographs SuperFractor | 1 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 45 | Base Red Refractor | 5 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | BA-20 | Bowman Ascensions Red Refractor | 5 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | M1B-14 | My 1st Bowman Red Refractor | 5 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 45 | Base Orange Refractor | 25 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | BA-20 | Bowman Ascensions Orange Refractor | 25 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | M1B-14 | My 1st Bowman Orange Refractor | 25 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 1BA-PC | My 1st Bowman Autographs Orange Refractor | 25 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 45 | Base Gold Refractor | 50 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | BA-20 | Bowman Ascensions Gold Refractor | 50 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | M1B-14 | My 1st Bowman Gold Refractor | 50 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 1BA-PC | My 1st Bowman Autographs Gold Mini Diamond | 50 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 45 | Base Yellow Refractor | 75 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 45 | Base Green Refractor | 99 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 45 | Base Wave Refractor | 100 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 45 | Base Blue Refractor | 150 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 45 | Base Aqau RayWave | 199 |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 45 | Base | |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 45 | Base Refractor | |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 45 | Base Fuchsia Refractor | |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 45 | Base Pearl Refractor | |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | BA-20 | Bowman Ascensions | |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 45 | Etched in Glass Variations | |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 45 | Image Variations | |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | M1B-14 | My 1st Bowman | |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | M1B-14 | My 1st Bowman Mini Diamond | |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | 1BA-PC | My 1st Bowman Autographs | |
Shota Imanaga | 41 | Base SuperFractor | 1 |
Shota Imanaga | BC25-11 | 1999 Bowman Chrome 25th Anniversary SuperFractor | 1 |
Shota Imanaga | BS-3 | Bowman Spotlights SuperFractor | 1 |
Shota Imanaga | CRA-SI | Chrome Rookie Autographs SuperFractor | 1 |
Shota Imanaga | GOTD-3 | Gladiators of the Diamond SuperFractor | 1 |
Shota Imanaga | 41 | Base Red Refractor | 5 |
Shota Imanaga | BC25-11 | 1999 Bowman Chrome 25th Anniversary Red Refractor | 5 |
Shota Imanaga | BS-3 | Bowman Spotlights Red Refractor | 5 |
Shota Imanaga | CRA-SI | Chrome Rookie Autographs Red Refractor | 5 |
Shota Imanaga | GOTD-3 | Gladiators of the Diamond Red Refractor | 5 |
Shota Imanaga | 41 | Base Orange Refractor | 25 |
Shota Imanaga | BC25-11 | 1999 Bowman Chrome 25th Anniversary Orange Refractor | 25 |
Shota Imanaga | CRA-SI | Chrome Rookie Autographs Orange Refractor | 25 |
Shota Imanaga | GOTD-3 | Gladiators of the Diamond Orange Refractor | 25 |
Shota Imanaga | 41 | Base Gold Refractor | 50 |
Shota Imanaga | BC25-11 | 1999 Bowman Chrome 25th Anniversary Gold Refractor | 50 |
Shota Imanaga | CRA-SI | Chrome Rookie Autographs Gold Refractor | 50 |
Shota Imanaga | GOTD-3 | Gladiators of the Diamond Gold Refractor | 50 |
Shota Imanaga | 41 | Base Yellow Refractor | 75 |
Shota Imanaga | 41 | Base Green Refractor | 99 |
Shota Imanaga | 41 | Base Wave Refractor | 100 |
Shota Imanaga | 41 | Base Blue Refractor | 150 |
Shota Imanaga | 41 | Base Aqau RayWave | 199 |
Shota Imanaga | 41 | Base | |
Shota Imanaga | 41 | Base Refractor | |
Shota Imanaga | 41 | Base Fuchsia Refractor | |
Shota Imanaga | 41 | Base Pearl Refractor | |
Shota Imanaga | BC25-11 | 1999 Bowman Chrome 25th Anniversary | |
Shota Imanaga | BI25-11 | 1999 Bowman Chrome 25th Anniversary International Refractors | |
Shota Imanaga | BS-3 | Bowman Spotlights | |
Shota Imanaga | CRA-SI | Chrome Rookie Autographs | |
Shota Imanaga | CRA-SI | Chrome Rookie Autographs Refractor | |
Shota Imanaga | CRA-SI | Chrome Rookie Autographs Blue Refractor | |
Shota Imanaga | CRA-SI | Chrome Rookie Autographs Green Refractor | |
Shota Imanaga | GOTD-3 | Gladiators of the Diamond | |
Shota Imanaga | GOTD-3 | Gladiators of the Diamond Mini Diamond |
Different Players on Ebay
Player | Shop Cards |
Alexander Canario | Most Bids - Has Bids - Buy It Now - Soonest No Bids |
Fernando Cruz | Most Bids - Has Bids - Buy It Now - Soonest No Bids |
James Triantos | Most Bids - Has Bids - Buy It Now - Soonest No Bids |
Jordan Wicks | Most Bids - Has Bids - Buy It Now - Soonest No Bids |
Kevin Alcantara | Most Bids - Has Bids - Buy It Now - Soonest No Bids |
Mason McGwire | Most Bids - Has Bids - Buy It Now - Soonest No Bids |
Matt Shaw | Most Bids - Has Bids - Buy It Now - Soonest No Bids |
Owen Caissie | Most Bids - Has Bids - Buy It Now - Soonest No Bids |
Pete Crow-Armstrong | Most Bids - Has Bids - Buy It Now - Soonest No Bids |
Shota Imanaga | Most Bids - Has Bids - Buy It Now - Soonest No Bids |
Next Case Breaks
![]() Closing in: 0 D 8 H 25 M 33 S - $ 5.99 - 0 Bid(s) CHICAGO CUBS - 2024 PRIZM BASEBALL 1/4 HOBBY CASE (3 BOX) BREAK #14 Closing in: 0 D 8 H 35 M 33 S - $ 0.99 - 0 Bid(s) CHICAGO CUBS *3 HOBBY BOX 1/4 CASE BREAK* 2024 PANINI PRIZM BASEBALL K Closing in: 0 D 8 H 55 M 33 S - $ 5.99 - 1 Bid(s) CHICAGO CUBS - 2022 BOWMAN DRAFT 1ST EDITION 1/4 CASE (3 BOX) BREAK #7 Closing in: 0 D 9 H 25 M 33 S - $ 5.99 - 1 Bid(s) CHICAGO CUBS - 2024 TOPPS ARCHIVES COLL. 1/2 CASE (5 BOX) BREAK #14 |
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![]() for the next week. Because they close in the late hours there will be some deals. Ending Soon auctions are also available for the Cubbies with Dark Mode browsing. |
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